
5 Swaps for Your Kitchen and Your Waist Size

Did you know that many of the leading causes of death in the United States are preventable via healthy eating and exercise? Just think, your decisions can help lower your risk of diseases like heart disease, certain types of cancers and diabetes. Having a nutrient-rich diet including fruits, vegetables, lean protein, healthy fat, dairy and whole grains is your first step to living healthier longer. Many people live longer these days, but they are living sick. Don’t let that be you!

Want to make better choices, but don’t know where to start? Try swapping these common foods with the more nutrient-rich alternative. Little changes can really add up in the long run so start small and continue to make more nutrient-rich swaps.

  1. Swap butter for oilButter is a saturated fat. Overtime, large intakes of saturated fat can contribute to plaque build-up in the arteries, which can potentially lead to things such as a heart attack or cardiovascular disease. Instead, cook with unsaturated oils such as olive, grapeseed or Canola oil. A good way to locate saturated fat in your diet is that they are solid at room temperature while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. The goal is to eat more heart-healthy unsaturated fats more often than not.
  2. Swap white rice for brown riceYou most likely won’t even be able to tell the difference, especially if it is cooked in a casserole, stir-fry or soup. Brown rice will provide your body with more fiber and nutrients. Insoluble fiber, found in the brown rice, may help lower your blood glucose after a meal by slowing down digestion. Plus, fiber of all kinds helps you get full faster and stay full longer, helping with portion control! And you can even add veggies by swapping half your rice for cauliflower rice. It adds a serving of veggies and cuts down the calories.
  3. Swap sour cream for Greek yogurtGreek yogurt contains important probiotics and is packed with protein! Probiotics are excellent to help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. More and more research is coming out proving that probiotics are great for immune health digestion and more. Try using plain Greek yogurt on top of your tacos or mixing it with a Ranch powder packet as a protein-rich veggie dip for snacks.
  4. Swap ranch dressing for olive oil and balsamic vinegar One serving of ranch dressing has 320 mg of sodium while one serving of olive oil and balsamic vinegar combined has 4 mg. Too much sodium in the diet can lead to an increase blood pressure and ultimately to hypertension.  The American Heart Association recommendations blood pressure needs to be 120/80 or lower to help prevent disease risk.
  5. Swap fries for air-fried veggies If you don’t have an air fryer, it might be worth a 2022 investment! They can take almost any veggie and make them a delicious crisp chip! Not only can air-fried veggies satisfy your crunch craving, they can also help you meet your daily vegetable requirements. We know that only one in ten Americans eat the recommended number of servings of fruits and veggies; don’t let that be you! Swap those fries for some crisp, tasty veggies. And if you don’t have an air fryer, try roasting the veggies with different herbs and spices.

Get healthy in 2022 with some simple swaps!