
Ways to Spring Clean Your Lifestyle

As we continue to transition into spring, many of us are spring cleaning our drawers and cabinets and trying to declutter our lives from winter. The warmer weather and longer days offer us a boost of motivation, but why not use that motivation to spring clean your lifestyle too?

Try these tips to freshen up your routine this spring:

  1. Shop seasonally. Shopping what’s in season is not only more affordable, but a great way to incorporate more variation and try foods that you might not typically pick up. Do you know what produce is in season in the springtime? Spring fruits include apples, bananas, berries, cherries, mango, and watermelon. Spring vegetables include bell peppers, carrots, celery, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, zucchini, and more!
  2. Amp up the fiber. Many Americans aren’t meeting their recommended fiber intake. Women should aim for about 25 grams of fiber per day, while men should aim for around 38 grams. Fiber is important for a wealth of reasons, including improving digestion and reducing your risk for chronic diseases. Sources of fiber include beans and lentils, fruits and veggies, oats and other whole grains, as well as nuts and seeds.
  3. Find an exercise routine that works for you. The American Heart Association recommends that adults should aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise (including walking), or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise. If you struggle to find time to exercise due to a busy schedule, try starting out with just a 10-minute walk twice per day. The beauty of this is it can be done anytime, in the mornings or evenings after work, or even during a lunch break!
  4. Have healthy snacks on hand. Keeping healthy snacks around the house or at work can help prevent you from mindlessly munching on those chips from the vending machine. Take one hour at the start of the week to prepare easy grab-and-go snacks, such as homemade trail mix with beef jerky, chopped celery and carrots with a yogurt-based Ranch dip, apples to pair with peanut butter and cinnamon, and of course one of my personal favorites – energy bites!
  5. Spring clean your kitchen, literally! Find a time to go through all of those old boxes of food in your pantry or fridge. Check expiration dates and toss out anything that’s expired. Determine a few pantry staples to restock on and utilize a meal planning calendar and grocery list to cut down on buying food you may not use in time.